Hello! My name is Juli. Thank you for following me! Let me introduce myself. T…

Hello! My name is Juli. Thank you for following me! Let me introduce myself. Ten things about me: 1) I think I have a weird grinch face that at rest makes me look angry when I’m not. 2) I put on makeup for the first time in two years just for this picture. 3) After years of wearing my hair up in a ponytail I got tired of it and cut it short myself the other day. 4) I work from home in customer care for a large financial corporation. 5) I live in a tiny apartment in a tiny resort town. 6) I don’t own a car order everything off the internet and ride my bike everywhere. 7) Believe it or not I believe I’m in a good place right now. (My life has never been more serene.) 8) I started the ketogenic diet at the encouragement of my daughter @redgem564 and have lost 17 lbs so far. 9) I have the next ten days off and want to finally make kombucha like I’ve been hoping to do for the last two years. 10) I love my three granddaughters from Jasmyn Chambers with everything that is in me. (Double tap if you have granddaughters too!) #facetofacefriday #iamenough #facetoface #iamagrandma #grandmalove #mycozyketokitchen #weightlossjourney #ketojourney #ketotransformation #ketogenicdiet #ketoforlife #ketolife #wisconsin #workfromhome #workfromhomemom

Source by mycozyketokitchen

